AxelGlobe CLI (Alpha)

Build, test, and manage your integration with AxelGlobe directly from your terminal.

The AxelGlobe CLI is a developer tool to help you help build, test, and manage your integration with AxelGlobe directly from your terminal. The AxelGlobe CLI is easy to install, works on Linux, and offers you a range of functionality to make your developer experience with AxelGlobe better.

0. Caution

This CLI development will be terminated. We recommend that you consider using the API.

1. Installation


The following environments are supported by axelglobe-cli.

Linux Win MacOS


  1. ~~Download from release pages.~~
  • We stopped distributing axelglobe-cli binary files.
  • For existing users, although we don't recommend to continue to use axelglobe-cli, they can still continue to use it until we stopped supporting it.
  1. Unzip and add the install path to your $PATH.

2. Configuration

Configuration file for credentials

$HOME/.axelglobe is the default directory for AxelGlobe Web Platform tools.

On the $HOME/.axelglobe/credentials, we can configure the following credential properties.

  • axelglobe_access_key_id: AxelGlobe user email. (On the 1.0.0, this property will be replaced by the token access key.)
  • axelglobe_secret_access_key: AxelGlobe user password. (On the 1.0.0, this property will be replaced by the token secret access key.)
  • Please a user designed for the axelglobe-cli and assign the user Operator role to restrict permissions.
  • credentials can has multiple profiles configurations. (At the moment, only default profile is supported.)

3. Getting started

Get your view id

To request to download AxelGlobe products, you need a view id.

View is data containing AOI , title etc.

  • AOI is the abbreviation of Area Of Interest.
  • AOI is consisted of the set of cell.
  • Cell is a minimum unit of geographical location on AxelGlobe Web Platform.
$ axelglobe read-views

Request download

Using gotten view id, you can request to download AxelGlobe products specifying captured date.

$ axelglobe request-download \
--view-id "VmlldzpkNzIyNjc0NS0yNDA2LTQzMTUtODdkMS1mNzdhZGJhZDI0MDY=" \
--dates "2019-03-02" --dates "2019-03-03" \
--bundle-compression "ZIP" \
--product-format "GEO_TIFF_NO_COMPRESSION"

Check download request status

  • After requesting download, you can get a download history id.
  • On AxelGlobe, we call archive files user downloads download bundle.
  • Until the download bundles are ready to download, it will take a couple of ten minutes.
  • Download history is the history user requests downloading.
# Polling `download history` by id
$ axelglobe read-download-history \

Download bundles

When the download history status changes to READY, the download-history has multiple download bundles.

When you request to download bundle, you can get a URL to download bundles.

$ axelglobe request-download-bundle \
--download-history-id "RG93bmxvYWRIaXN0b3J5OmJiMzkwYmJiLTdkMzAtNGMyOC1iMWNmLWEyNjlmYTBmMDAwNw==" \
--download-bundle-id "RG93bmxvYWRCdW5kbGU6MjcxYWIwY2YtNGU0YS00ZGRlLTkwNDUtMjU2MGViODJjM2Vm" \
--download-dir "./"

That's all! You can get AxelGlobe products!

4. Commands

axelglobe-cli provides help option. You can see all commands and their examples.

$ axelglobe --help

Also provides help option for each command. You can see each command options description.

$ axelglobe request-download --help