AxelGlobe STAC API Rate Limiting Policy
Rate Limiting Criteria
Rate limiting is enforced when the following condition is met:
- High Request Rate per Authorization Token: The system will limit API access if it detects an average of 5 or more requests per second using the same Authorization token. This ensures that no requests with single token can overwhelm the API, maintaining service quality for all users.
What Happens When the Limit is Exceeded?
Throttling: Once the rate limit is exceeded, further requests using the same Authorization token will be throttled. Throttling means that these requests will either be delayed or rejected until the request rate falls below the specified threshold.
Blocking: In more severe cases, if excessive requests persist, the system may temporarily block the Authorization token from making further requests. This block is automatically lifted once the request rate normalizes.
Best Practices to Avoid Rate Limiting
- Optimize API Usage: Reduce redundant API calls to stay within the rate limit.
- Monitor and Adapt: Regularly monitor your API usage patterns and adapt your implementation to ensure compliance with the rate limits.
- Use Retry Logic: If your requests are throttled, implement retry logic with exponential backoff to manage the rate limit gracefully.